Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Where there is a will, there is a way!

I have a will to succeed. Lately, something bad happened to me that just put my life in reverse gear. It was a stupid mistake that I made for which I have to suffer. I am ready to mend it but unfortunately the decision to give me that chance rests in someone else's hands.
And I am scared, not about whether I can mend it, but whether I will get that chance. I am scared to even hope because for some reason I have become way more superstitious than I ever was. I thought of myself as an optimistic person, I always found solutions to problems. But now I am scared that my optimism will jinx my chances of being happy...
in the last few months, my hopes have turned against me. so I think not hoping is the best thing to do for now.. all I need to do is to keep trying hard to reach my goals..
i have come up with my own quote .. sort of my motto - 'Effort is Everything'