Friday, July 18, 2008

Better late than never

Things always hit me late. Sarcasm, cruelty, rudeness, hatred, disrespect.. I can never comprehend these right when they strike me. I come off as someone who cares less. Maybe I do, at that moment.. Its tough for me to comprehend someone's 'wrong' against me when I mean none to them.
And then it hits me like a stone pelted at my face... only a few days later. And it probably hurts more then because I am helpless. Someone, in the process, has completely misunderstood me, has no clue about my restlessness and above all doesnt know the truth. I have lost that moment and can only wish now that I get a second chance, to speak up, to fight. But that never happens.
Instead I am entangled in a web of my own anger, frustration and sadness which keeps me feeling low and lonely for a long time.
I guess the right thing to do is to bring it up myself and speak my heart out. After all its better late than never. Hmm...which reminds me of another idiom - 'Easier said than done'!