Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Where there is a will, there is a way!

I have a will to succeed. Lately, something bad happened to me that just put my life in reverse gear. It was a stupid mistake that I made for which I have to suffer. I am ready to mend it but unfortunately the decision to give me that chance rests in someone else's hands.
And I am scared, not about whether I can mend it, but whether I will get that chance. I am scared to even hope because for some reason I have become way more superstitious than I ever was. I thought of myself as an optimistic person, I always found solutions to problems. But now I am scared that my optimism will jinx my chances of being happy...
in the last few months, my hopes have turned against me. so I think not hoping is the best thing to do for now.. all I need to do is to keep trying hard to reach my goals..
i have come up with my own quote .. sort of my motto - 'Effort is Everything'

Friday, June 12, 2009

Actions speak louder than words

I always believed in this saying and didn't realize that there is another side to it until yesterday when someone's actions spoke so much louder than their words, they almost screamed and I wished I were deaf.

Trust, love, confidence dissolved in the tears shed.
It has left me in a state where words don't mean anything anymore, neither mine nor his.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why is it that men can be bastards and women must wear pearls and smile?

I have come to not believing in the above statement...
I hope it stays this way.

11june2009.. sadly it didn't .. 

don't know what to write ... so just posting a song I have been listening to right now...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Curiosity killed the cat

I am dead. A slow death. It was suicide I would say. Little by little I let it kill me. It is like a sweet poison, an addiction. But I had to do it. I had a choice - to live like a fool or die drinking the poison of the past. I dont think in a million lives I would have chosen the former. Thats just who I am.
Whoever came up with 'Ignorance is bliss!' was a genius.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder....

so true.. 
and i also think...
no .. i know.. 
that there is at least one person on the face of this earth..
who thinks you are Beautiful

Friday, July 18, 2008

Better late than never

Things always hit me late. Sarcasm, cruelty, rudeness, hatred, disrespect.. I can never comprehend these right when they strike me. I come off as someone who cares less. Maybe I do, at that moment.. Its tough for me to comprehend someone's 'wrong' against me when I mean none to them.
And then it hits me like a stone pelted at my face... only a few days later. And it probably hurts more then because I am helpless. Someone, in the process, has completely misunderstood me, has no clue about my restlessness and above all doesnt know the truth. I have lost that moment and can only wish now that I get a second chance, to speak up, to fight. But that never happens.
Instead I am entangled in a web of my own anger, frustration and sadness which keeps me feeling low and lonely for a long time.
I guess the right thing to do is to bring it up myself and speak my heart out. After all its better late than never. Hmm...which reminds me of another idiom - 'Easier said than done'!